Empower Ability NY is committed to catalyzing positive change and amplifying the voices of individuals facing developmental challenges.

Empower Ability NY: A Champion for Change

Centered on empowerment, inclusion, and advocacy, Empower Ability NY proactively works to enrich the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Our efforts encompass strategic initiatives, education, and steadfast support, all aimed at fostering a fairer system and transparent program, guaranteeing the fulfillment of everyone's needs.

Who is Developmental Disability Advocacy Group (DDAG)?

We are a cohesive alliance of Brokers united with a common purpose – driving positive transformations within the Self-Direction Program. Drawing on our collective expertise and commitment, we collaborate to enhance the Self-Direction experience.

Core Principles of Our Advocacy

  • Highlight concerns regarding the lack of transparency in the criteria for housing subsidies.
  • Emphasize the inconsistency of criteria across different regions as a significant problem.
  • Advocate for standardized and transparent housing subsidy criteria to ensure fairness and equity.
  • Emphasize the need for transparency from OPWDD.
  • Emphasize the necessity of timelines and deadlines for OPWDD processing and approval of budgets, budget amendments, and housing subsidy approvals.
  • Address Broker payments for uncompensated work.
  • Advocate for oversight and intervention from the Justice Center to protect the well-being of participants in the self-direction program by highlighting the potential for mistreatment or abuse of individuals with special needs in non-certified settings.
  • Advocate for the protection of access to Community Classes. Under self-direction, individuals with IDD select what they want to do from a growing array of options offered by many different providers. However, the system faces a shortage of meaningful activities, and Community Classes serve as part of the solution.

Take a stand with us!

“Our mission is to champion the rights and welfare of individuals with developmental disabilities. We are a dedicated advocacy group committed to fostering inclusivity, empowerment, and equal opportunities. Through relentless advocacy, education, and community engagement, we strive to create a society where every individual with developmental disabilities is recognized, respected, and afforded the support needed to lead fulfilling lives with dignity and independence.”

Membership Offers

  • Join us for our Broker Webinars to discuss important topics and learn from each other.

  • Join us in person or online at key events to show Broker support for Self-Direction program changes.

  • Join our group of Brokers networking across the state to share information, knowledge and support.

The faces of Self-Direction